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Writer's pictureSean Kriletich

Goals & Plans

Thriving entities strive towards their goals. Plans change along the way in order to stay directed towards the goal. In biology the plan is laid out by inherited genetics but in order to thrive in the actual environment epigenetics has the ability to alter the plan in the now.  The universal pattern is singing, am I listening?  The goal, a healthy, cooperative, joyful, loving, abundant future. The plan, valueless, unless it is dancing towards the boundless goal. 


We are creating the new world in each and every moment.  To make a desirable world, we re-stack yesterday’s refuse into a pattern of interconnected beauty. Through this re-patterning, we create an ephemeral society; beautiful as the snowy peak at sunset, fast as the galaxy voyaging the cosmos, resilient as the power of the tides and slow as starlight pouring over the sea.

Why an ephemeral society?

Because change is the only constant.

Because this handsome future is sprouting infinitely small from minds’ creativity, hearts’ love and hands’ willingness. 

Because this beautiful world is for the now.

Because this glorious now is growing infintesimally large from lands’ bounty, sky’s spirit and sea’s water. 

Because this stunning universe recognizes that technology is magic and magic is technology. 

Because this evolving future recognizes fire as a great ally and tool. 

Because this abundant society thrives in the moment with respect for the past and hope for the future. 

Because this humble now respects the forest, field, sea and sky for their own glorious sake. 

Because this grateful us thanks oil for its energy density and our cars for transporting us with such ease and comfort. 

Because this gorgeous cosmos is ever evolving, re-seeing, re-thinking and re-being.  Because this delicious creation knows that love is our greatest gift.

Now I ask, is the plan tangoing towards the goal? I want a joyful, healthy, abundant, cooperative, loving future. I review the plan’s efficacy towards this goal from moment to century. 

Life’s pattern is to become more and more cooperative… from single cell organisms, to multi-trillion celled beings to infinite loving cooperation.

Are my head’s thoughts dreaming a future desirable to witness?

Is my heart’s rhythm a loving harmony?

Are my hands’ actions manifesting a thriving world?

Is my health evolving a better cosmos? 

In the present the plan dances along.  

Is the dance stepping towards the goal? 

In the now, the past evolves into the future. 

The future starts now.

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